Are Electric Radiators Expensive To Run

On the face of it, gas central heating looks like it is cheaper to run. In the UK, the average cost of electricity per kWh is 14.37p whereas the average cost of gas per kWh is 3.80p.

However, with electric radiators, every unit of heat is used in the room. So you get 100% efficiency for the heat you are paying for at the point of use. Meanwhile, gas central heating can only offer between 80-90% efficiency. Hence you are paying for heat that is being lost through the pipes and walls of your home as it travels to your radiators from the central boiler.

Energy Saving Electric Radiators

How To Measure Electricity

Electric appliances are rated by Wattage. Energy suppliers measure electricity in kilowatts per hour. Thus 1 kWh = 1000W appliance on for 1 hour.

You can start to estimate how much your electric radiator will cost. However, there are so many variable factors, that this may not give you a satisfying answer.

For example a 1800W radiator equals 1.8 kilowatts.  You can multiply this by how many hours you expect the heater to be in use each day. Then multiply the expected kWh figure with your supplier’s pence per kWh, which can vary! This is the estimate cost per day.

Regional Costs

Did you know that where you live can make a difference to how much you pay for your energy supply? The difference in annual payments can be as much as £60.  

Does The Cost Of Electricity Change

Ofgem adjusts the level of the energy price cap up or down twice a year to reflect the cost of supplying electricity and gas for suppliers.  In April 2021, Ofgem lifted the price cap on standard tariffs back to pre pandemic levels, so the cost for gas and electricity went up for many households.

Which Electricity Tariff To Choose

Changing your energy tariff could make a difference to your bills. With a standard ‘default or evergreen’ tariff, prices go up and down with the market. A fixed tariff offers guaranteed charges and unit rates, usually until a specific end date.  A dual tariff often provides a cheaper plan because you deal with just one company for gas and electricity.  There is also a ‘Green’ tariff.

Economy 10 and Economy 7 tariffs are designed to give you cheaper electricity at
night. However, you will only start to benefit if you use around 40% of your electricity at night.

Electric v Gas Efficiency Costs

The efficiency of electric radiators is a major benefit. With Climastar energy saving electric radiators, you can control each one individually. Thus conserving energy in the rest of the house. With gas, you heat the whole house from a central boiler, even if you are only using one room. Hence you are wasting energy.

By switching your energy supplier and considering how you use energy in your home, you may find that changing to electric heating actually reduces your bills in the long term. 

Related Post:

Energy Efficient Electric Heaters - Do They Really Save Energy?
